Kumar was a small-business owner in Nepal where he had his own delivery truck. He was targeted by Maoist insurgent militia who wanted him to provide financial and material support, and to join their political cause. When he refused to support and join the Maoists, they took his house and his vehicles, kidnapped him, and began systematic physical and psychological torture. Kumar’s condition was so grave that the local newspaper ran a story, with a photo, reporting that he had been killed. Miraculously, he was able to escape to the United States where he requested asylum, but he was put into detention until the U.S. government made sure he had credible fear of returning to Nepal.
Upon release from detention, he was referred to Center for Survivors of Torture (CST) for counseling, medical care and social services. After three months of weekly counseling and medical treatment, Kumar reported fewer nightmares and improved physically, feeling in control of his happiness for the first time in ten years. The U.S. government decided to grant Kumar asylum and after two years of working seven nights a week at a local convenience store, he was able to purchase plane tickets for his wife and daughter to reunite with him in Texas. Kumar and his family currently attend free family therapy at CST, in addition to participating in CST’s English as a Second Language classes.